Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Getting There

First, I tan better in Finland that I do in Alaska. That really isn't relevant to anything else I plan to write in this entry, but I've been going on 5 kilometer runs each day by the Baltic Sea, and Im darker than I have ever been!
Alright, I left my story when I was getting on the plane. Well that plane ride was miserable. First, I was crying my eyes out, I mean like heaving sobs that freaked out everyone near me, but at the time I didn't care. Second, I was at the very back of the plane, and the lady sitting near me had a crying baby that was intent on not letting anyone sleep. Third, I was so extremely tired that all I could focus on was the fact that I just walked away from the life I had built up for 16 years! So naturally, I put my head against the window and passed out.
I woke up When the plane touched down, and even though I was still homesick, my mentality was much better. When I was off the plane, I had to figure out how to kill six hours, so naturally I rode the train thing that takes you from the N Gates to the rest of the airport back and forth until it got boring (which took a while, the train is entertaining). When it came near the time to get on the next plane to Denver, I finally met up with other Rotary Exchange students (Johannes from Seattle and Tianna from B.C. Canada) and together we got on the plane.
Denver was an easy stop, we met up with more exchangers, the flight to Frankfurt was less than comfortable, but obviously I made it alive. I slept through most of my 8 hour layover in Frankfurt... But I do remember that its a very dark airport, and I don't like it very much. Look at me, acting like a snobby world traveler! I love it.
A large group of us arrived in Helsinki at around 23:30, and from there we went to the Karkku Language Camp. And I think that is where I will leave you today!

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